Admit Cards in India 2025 – Latest Sarkari Admit Card & Hall Ticket/Pass Notifications Download

Check out latest Admit Card 2025 for all Sarkari jobs and exams issued by relevant organization on this page. Our team keeps track of all recently issued admit cards by govt departments, ministries and organizations including admit card for bank exams, entrance exams, defence, railway exams admit card, PSC, SSC and others. Admit card, also called hall pass, hall ticket or call letter is your key to participate in the entrance exam for almost all major Sarkari jobs in India.
If you have already applied to a job or vacancy in government organization and paid your application fees, you may receive the admit card or hall ticket trough proper channel. Alternatively, we have the date-wise list of all Admit Cards announced for all major departments and ministries that you can download here on this page.

Admit cards is a very important document during the exam and recruitment process that you must take great care of. They contain important information such as exam details for which you have applied, exam date, timing and exam center information along with other details. You must download the admit card / hall ticket / hall pass before you go for the exam. Entry to an exam, without an admit card, is strictly not permitted in almost all cases.
Before everything else, first ensure that you have been accepted to the job / sarkari exam for which you have applied. Once you are accepted, you can easily download the admit card, hall ticket or hall pass through admit card portal. All exams and job vacancies have dedicated pages. To open and download the admit card, please open the link for your required exam/job page. Link to official websites and admit card pages are given in each post which you must open and follow the instructions. See below FAQs for more details on what you need to access and download the required admit card.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) for Admit Cards
What is Admit Card / Hall Pass / Hall Ticket?
Admit Card is an important piece of official document containing details of candidates including name, parents’ names, date of birth, exam date & timing, exam/test center address and name of the exam along with the photograph of the applicant. Admit card is also known as hall pass, hall ticket or call letter.
What’s on Admit Card?
Admit card, when issued, contain important information related to you and the exam. Usually, an admit card contains: – Admit card number / Hall ticket number – Name of the person and Father, Mother / Guardian name – Date of birth – Exam Center and Address – Exam Time
Do I need to carry the hall pass / hall ticket or admit card to exam?
Yes. All applicants who have applied to appear for a specific Sarkari exam and are accepted must download and carry their admit card/hall pass to the exam/test center. Applicants are not allowed entry to exam center if they don’t have their admit card. Along with Admit Card contenders should also take an identification proof along with them.
How can I download Admit Card / Hall Ticket or Hall Pass?
To download admit card, you need to open official website link of particular board or organization, all given on this page. Follow this step-by-step procedure to access and download your required admit card: – Find the corresponding exam admit card link and click on it. – Enter appropriate details mentioned in the link such as hall ticket number, date of birth, etc. – Once you filled the details, click on submit button.
After clicking on submit button, your admit card or hall ticket will be displayed on the screen. – Click on download admit card to download it to your computer or mobile. – Take a print out of that admit card which is required to attend the examination.
Why is the best resource for Sarkari Admit Cards?
The is your ultimate resource for Sarkari Admit Cards. We have the most comprehensive coverage listing all state and central government exams admit cards with fastest updates throughout the day. You can get all latest Admit Cards notifications as soon as they are released. On top of that, you can get updates for all exams, syllabus, admit card and results at one place here.
How can I subscribe for free Admit Cards alerts?
Candidates can subscribe to free Admit Cards alerts through multiple channels available. The best way we recommend you subscribe to these alerts is through push notification on your browser you visit website. You can do that on both your pc/laptop or through mobile browser. In addition to push alerts, you can also subscribe to free admit card newsletter for daily updates in your email.